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I really enjoyed reading your take on digital literacy. As I mentioned in my blog post, the world is rapidly changing, and I definitely think learning will evolve just as quickly. Personally, I believe that as AI becomes more affordable and accessible, it will help bridge many gaps and accelerate the learning process.

It’s fascinating to read that your private high school was so forward-thinking and prepared you for the modern world through various applications. My high school, on the other hand, was not as tech-forward. Much of the digital skills and knowledge I have today were self-taught, both during high school and throughout much of my university degree.

I completely agree with your thoughts on digital privacy and security. Many people don’t realize how permanent the internet truly is. In my School and I don’t know about yours, skills like managing your digital identity were always framed as cautionary tales, warning us about online pitfalls, but we were never taught how to excel in a digital space only how to avoid its dangers. I think that was largely because it was still so new when we were younger.

Learning to maintain a proper digital identity through fear is like learning to drive by only being taught that you can crash and how to avoid crashing. That wouldn’t be a very effective way to understand the intricacies of driving.